I think there's a lot to be said about a pic of a girl holding a reptile. It can send out a really positive message. This girl- shes's quirky. She's brave. She knows what she wants, and she grasps it, and she holds it proudly.

If you are one of these girls, and you held a reptile and looked good doing it, please send me your pics: girlswithreptiles@gmail.com.

This is also the address to which to send any fanmail and/or suggestions. Thanks.

PS WE'RE NOT BIASED HERE. We accept pics of any reptiles- lizards, snakes, skinks, crocs- even amphibians will be welcomed.If you're not sure it's a reptile, it probably is.

Monday 6 April 2015

Charlotte with large dead snake, African bush.
Every now and again you come across a seriously big lad. You have to approach carefully. You tell your friends but no one believes you. It's a rare treat to get a pic.
On seeing this, Charlotte's sister said, 'OMG, you weren't exaggerating'! 

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